As 2022 draws to a close it is appropriate to reflect on the year as it has been for Pregnancy Counselling Link, as much has happened at the operational and governance levels. We have moved location from Bardon House to Peach Tree, temporarily working from their Mount Gravatt premises while continuing to provide counselling services to over 300 families, at times juggling demands of COVID for remote as well as onsite services. The fantastic teamwork of the staff, the Executive and the Board have resulted in this transition being achieved smoothly and without complication.
At the governance level, we applied to officially change our status from an Incorporated Association of Members to a Company Limited by Guarantee, and it is anticipated the new structure will be effective from early in the new year.
This is the 49th year of operation for PCL and next year there are plans to mark the 50th anniversary with a fundraising dinner at the Convention Centre on the 17th of June. It will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the organisation’s considerable contribution to the lives of many women and families over those 50 years, and to look forward to an ongoing commitment for the next 50. We hope the many supporters and benefactors of PCL will be able to join us on that occasion to mark this significant milestone in the history of this remarkable organisation.
As Christmas approaches may I wish everyone peace and joy of the Season, a season built around families marked by the birth of a baby in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. May 2023 be a year of happiness and fulfillment for you all.
PCESI Board Chair